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2020 summit Emei Mountain

Release date : 2020/9/16 9:56:22
Mount Emei is located in Sichuan Province. Wanfoding, the prominent peak of Emei City, is 3079.3 meters above sea level. There are dozens of small Buddhist temples in Mount Emei, with many exquisite Buddhist cultural relics. Jinding is adjacent to Wanfoding, with an elevation of 3,07.96 meters. Here, the mountainous strata are densely covered with clouds and the scenery is beautiful. Visitors can enjoy the four wonders of sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha light, and holy lanterns from the steep cliffs nearby. Mount Emei attracts tourists from all walks of life with its Buddhist culture and primitive and charming scenery, and leads people to know the wonderful border in imagination.
It took 15 hours in total. Through everyone's mutual help, we successfully promoted to Jinding, which is an unforgettable experience for us.

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